2020 Corporate Challenge
2020 Terang Corporate Challenge
sponsored by
Rd 6 – 24/2/2020
Undefeated Ridley Rats take out the Macqueen’s Corporate Challenge for 2020. Nellie Plummer from Macqueen’s Funerals presented the winners with the Corporate Challenge trophy and prizes. Straight Drivers took out 2nd place with Densley’s Dodgers and Dixie Allsorts in equal 3rd place.
Toe Cutters (+20) won Rd 6, their second win for the season. Noorat Farmers (+15) were in 2nd place and Middle Men 3rd with +13.
This was the final round of a very successful Corporate Challenge for 2020. Thanks to all players, our sponsors and the many club members who make this event possible. It is a great opportunity for our community to be involved in the game of bowls.

2020 Corporate Challenge.
Winners – Ridley Rats with Nellie Plummer from Macqueen’s Funerals.
Rd 6 Winners were Toe Cutters.

2020 Corporate Challenge.
Rd 6 – Winners
Toe Cutters
Final Ladder – 24/2/2020
- Ridley Rats 12 pts +32
- Straight Drivers 10pts +60
- Densley’s Dodgers 10 pts +43
- Dixie Allsorts 10 pts +43
- Glen Warriors 10 pts +42
- Teapot Tarts 10 pts +17
Round 6. Top Teams
- Toe Cutters +20 22-2
- Noorat Farmers +15 21-6
- Middle Men +13 21-8
- Garage Gurus +10 20-10
- Densley’s Dodgers +7 19-12
Corporate Challenge – Rd 5 – 17/2/2020

2020 Corporate Challenge
Rd 5 Winners – Glen Farmers
Glen Farmers take out Round 5, with a 25-7 score. Densley Dodgers 22-6, were in 2nd place and Straight Drivers, 21-6 in 3rd.
Only 2 teams remain undefeated after Rd 5. Ridley Rats and Teapot Tarts are on 10 points and both have +27 shots. Both teams will be looking for big wins next week to take out this year’s challenge. Straight Drivers are in 3rd place with 8 pts and +56. They still have a chance of taking out top place if the Rats and Tarts are beaten.
A terrific evening was had by all and again we thank our sponsors and many helpers.
Ladder – 17/2/2020
- Teapot Tarts 10 pts +27
- Ridley Rats 10 pts +27
- Straight Drivers 8 pts +56
- Glen Warriors 8 pts +39
- Dixie Allsorts 8 pts +39
- Densley’s Dodgers 8 pts +36
- Lions Maulers 8 pts +15
Round 5, Top Teams.
- Glen Farmers +18 25-7
- Densley Dodgers +16 22-6
- Straight Drivers +15 21-6
- Ridley Rats +12 20-8
- Dixie Allsorts +8 19-11
- Scanlon’s Scorchers +7 19-12
- Croquet Musketeers +5 14-9
Corporate Challenge – Rd 4 – 10/2/2020

2020 Corporate Challenge.
Rd 4 Winners – Straight Drivers.
Straight Drivers take out Round 4, with a 25-3 score. Croquet Musketeers, 24-4, were in 2nd place and Dixie Allsorts, 25-8 in 3rd.
Teams at the top continue to diminish and we are now down to only 3 teams who have won all 4 rounds. Overall Leaders are: Glen Warriors +51, followed by Teapot Tarts +22 and in 3rd place Ridley Rats +15.
A wonderful evening was had by all and again we thank our sponsors and many helpers.
Ladder 10/2/2020
- Glen Warriors 8 pts +51
- Teapot Tarts 8 pts +22
- Ridley Rats 8 pts +15
- Straight Drivers 6 pts +41
- Dixie Allsorts 6 pts +31
- Densley’s Dodgers 6 pts +20
- Noorat Farmers 6 pts +17
- Lions Maulers 6 pts +10
- Gallopers 6 pts +7
Round 4 Top Teams
- Straight Drivers +22 25-5
- Croquet Musketeers +20 22-5
- Dixie Allsorts +17 22-5
- Glen Warriors +9 17-2
- Scanlon’s Scorchers +8 23-8
Corporate Challenge – Rd 3 – 3/2/2020

2020 – Corporate Challenge – Rd 3 – Winners
Toe Cutters +26 shots
Toe Cutters notched up their 1st win with a dominating 32 – 6 score. TCP_4mers, 29-4 were in 2nd place and Glen Warriors, 26-2 in 3rd.

2020 – Corporate Challenge. Rd 3 Runners up
TCP_4mers +25 shots
5 teams have won all 3 rounds so far. Overall Leaders are: Glen Warriors +42, followed by Densley’s Dodgers +29, in 3rd place Noorat Farmers +21, Teapot Tarts +18 and Ridley Rats +12.
A great evening was had by all and again we thank our sponsors and many helpers.See below for this weeks Top teams and the Ladder after 3 rounds plus photos.
Ladder – 3/2/2020
- Glen Warriors 6 pts +42
- Densley’s Dodgers 6 pts +29
- Noorat Farmers 6 pts +21
- Teapot Tarts 6 pts +18
- Ridley Rats 6pts +12
- Middle Men 4 pts +35
- City Of Noorat 4 pts +29
- Straight Drivers 4 pts +19
- Dixie Allsorts 4 pts +14
- Glen Farmers 4 pts +7
- TCP_4mers 4 pts +6
- Gallopers 4 pts +3
Round 3 Top Teams
- Toe Cutters +26. 32-6
- TCP_4mers +25. 29-4
- Glen Warriors +24. 22-5
- Middle Men +22. 25-3
- Gallopers +15. 22-7
- Croquet Musketeers +8. 17-9
Corporate Challenge. Rd 2 – 20/1/2020

Barry Stonehouse, Dom Kenna, Joel Crawley, Nick Kenna. Middle Men Corporate Cup Rd 2 Winners – 2020.
Middle Men bounce back, from last weeks lose, to take out Round 2 with a 25-5 win. Densley’s Dodgers (22-5) and Straight Drivers (22-5) were in equal 2nd place.
Overall Leaders are City of Noorat +32, followed by Densley’s Dodgers +28 and in equal 3rd place Noorat Farmers and Glen Warriors +18
After 2 rounds we have 6 teams with 2 wins.
Thanks again to our sponsors and club members who ensured a successful evening.
There is NO Corporate Challenge next week due to the Club’s Australia Day tournament.
See below for this weeks Top teams and the Ladder after 2 rounds plus photos.
Ladder – 20/1/2020
- City Of Noorat 4 pts +32
- Densley’s Dodgers 4 pts +28
- Glen Warriors 4 pts +18
- Noorat Farmers 4 pts +18
- Teapot Tarts 4 pts +16
- Ridley Rats 4 pts +7
- Fernlea Park Pranksters 2 pts +22
- Straight Drivers 2 pts +14
- Landscape Warriors 2 pts +14
- Middle Men 2 pts +12
- Lions Maulers 2 pts +11
- Dixie Allsorts 2 pts +7
- Bowls Club Ringins 2 pts +6
- Glen Farmers 2 pts +4
Round 2 Top Teams
- Middle Men +20 25-5
- Densley’s Dodgers +17 22-5
- Straight Drivers +17 22-5
- Noorat Farmers +15 23-8
- Lions Maulers +15 24-9
- Glen Warriors +15 17-2
Corporate Challenge. Rd 1 – 13/1/2020.
Rd 1 Winners – Fernlea Park Pranksters – George Beasley, Maureen Kenna, Helen Kenna and Jimmy Kenna.
A great start to our Macqueen’s Corportate Challenge, as 26 teams took to the greens on a wonderful summer evening. Some teams were expecting BIG things this year, but were quickly bought back to earth – Teapot Tarts strike again, a team not to be underestimated and TCP_4mers with new players, turned heads and struck an unexpected blow to a seasoned team from previous years. Our winners on the night were Fernlea Park Pranksters, +29, City of Noorat. +25 and Landscape Larrikins +15. (see below for all winners)
Thanks to all our organisers and volunteers who ensured a successful evening.
Raffle winner was Claire Pearson.
Click on photos to enlarge and view.
Rd 1 Winners and Leader Board.
- Fernlea Park Pranksters +29
- City of Noorat +25
- Landscape Larrikins +15
- Densley’s Dodgers +11
- Scanlon’s Scrongers +9
- Teapot Tarts +8
- Molan’s Crushers +4
- Christian’s Crusaders +4
- Ridley Rats +3
- Gallopers +3
- Noorat Farmers +3
- Glen Warriors +3
- TCP_4mers +1
The Terang Bowling Club will host 26 teams battling it out over 6 evenings. Updates and photos will be available here.
We thank MacQueen’s Funerals and Cartridge World for their ongoing support of this annual event.
Our first round commences Monday, 13th Jan at 6 p.m..
We wish all players and teams all the best for the upcoming series.